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Da FSUG Padova - Wiki pages.
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The Free Software Users Group Padova is an independent group, which contributes to the PLUTO Project, whose goal is to promote and contribute to the distribution and development of Free Software.

The PLUTO Project was founded in 1992, originally as a LUG, by some students and teachers of the Department of Electronics and Information Science at the University of Padova, who were fans of GNU/Linux. This operating system has since gone on to become one of the most important examples of Free Software in the world.

Padova Free Software Users Group is an independent group which follows the same ethical principles that inspire the PLUTO group, and is motivated by the same love of freedom and free cooperation. We have been collaborating with the UNESCO and the UNESCO Computer Museum maintained by the UNESCO Club of Padova for 3 years.

«PLUTO Padova» means we cooperate with the PLUTO Project as a part of it.

If you would like to know more about PLUTO Padova, the FSUG activity, these people and our work with and for Free Software, please have a look around the site, and if you like, come visit us in person.